Fish & Seafood
Smoked Salmon
1 lb Baked Salmon
3 T Sensei Sauce (or to taste)
8 oz Lite Cream Cheese
De-bone salmon and tear into small chunks.
Add Sensei Sauce and cream cheese, mixing until well blended.
Chill until firm. Add dill or other spices as desired.
Enjoy on crackers or bagels.
Written by O Sensei
Simple Alchemy Salmon
2 – 5 pound Salmon filet
1-2 T olive oil
1/2-1 cup Sensei Sauce
Preheat the oven to 450ºF.
Coat the bottom of a glass baking pan with olive oil.
Rinse salmon filet in cold water and place in glass baking pan.
Pour Sensei Sauce over top of salmon until the bottom of the pan is covered with Sensei Sauce and the edges of the salmon in the sauce.
Place uncovered in pre-heated oven for 20 minutes or until flakey or done to your liking.
Serve in baking pan or place on serving dish and pour ‘leavings’ over the salmon for added flavor.

Sensei Salmon
5 – 7 cloves garlic, sliced
1 large onion, sliced
1 large orange sliced
2 – 5 pound Salmon filet
1-2 T olive oil
1/2-1 cup Sensei Sauce
Preheat the oven to 450ºF.
Cover a glass baking pan with olive oil and garlic.
Place salmon filet in pan and cover with half the Sensei Sauce.
Place sliced onion to cover salmon filet.
Place sliced orange on top of onions.
Cover tightly with foil and bake for 15 minutes.
Uncover and pour remaining Sensei Sauce on top of oranges, onions and salmon filet.
Return uncovered to oven and bake until flakey or done to your liking.

Sensei Salmon Paté
1 lb Baked Salmon
3 T Sensei Sauce (or to taste)
8 oz Lite Cream Cheese
De-bone salmon and tear into small chunks. Add Sensei
Sauce and cream cheese, mixing until well blended. (Use a food processor or a wide wooden spoon.)
Chill until firm.
Add dill or other spices as desired.
Enjoy on crackers or bagels.
This is a great way to use leftover salmon.
Experiment with proportions to find your favorite style.